Psychometric Assessment Solutions

Assisting individuals to succeed

What do we do?

We assist individuals in succeeding whether they are embarking on, or considering a change in, their career.
We currently have three psychometric questionnaires available that will help you with three different aspects of your career development.
In addition for those considering starting their own business we have an extremely useful book.
When applying for a job you are very likely to be asked to complete an ability test. You may get experience of completing such tests at no cost on this site.
For more information on any of these click on the menu tabs at the top of the page.

Who are we?

Selby & Mills are one of Europe’s leading firms of chartered occupational psychologists and an innovative psychometric test developer and publisher. We specialise in original, highly practical, success-driven product solutions, which enable individuals and organisations to excel. Pioneers in the use of IT in this market, we apply it to make our products easy to use and easy to learn from.

For more information see our web site.

Find out what your strengths and weaknesses in the workplace are, and which jobs are a perfect match for you.

Start Your Own Business

Find out whether you are likely to be able to successfully start your own business.

Management Potential

The management potential questionnaire is designed to evaluate your potential and readiness to enter your first management role.

Ability Samples

Get experience of completing Ability tests before you have to complete them for real .
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